G. Harvey
We have new G. Harvey original oils in inventory. Please call for pricing and sizes. All reasonable offers considered!
GHarvey.com is your one-stop source for G. Harvey limited edition paper and canvas prints, bronzes, and one-of-a-kind original oils.
We offer a complete selection of G. Harvey art at spectacularly low prices!
If you have any questions about G. Harvey artwork or if you're interested in making a purchase, please call us toll-free at 1-877-843-9278 or e-mail us. We have over 24 years of experience in the art industry. Items are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

G. Harvey Originals
We currently have a few highly sought after G. Harvey original oil paintings and hand-colored sketches for sale. G. Harvey original paintings are in the collections of museums, major corporations, U.S. presidents, foreign leaders, governors, prominent business people, and art collectors world-wide.
Due to the highly sensitive & competitive industry, we are now dealing with G. Harvey originals that are exclusively marketed by our gallery and have steered away from marketing for other galleries.
Please click the following titles below to view zoomed images:
Hill Country Autumn, Old Ironsides, and Yellow Roses.
Please call us toll-free at 1-877-843-9278 or e-mail us
for sizes, pricing, and images of the framed originals. Additional
images available upon request. All reasonable offers will be considered!
If you're looking for a particular theme, size, and price range, simply e-mail us, and we will contact you when we have a
We can also assist you in exclusively selling your G. Harvey original paintings. First, we can appraise your originals. Second, we agree on a price so we can market them to our clientele. |

G. Harvey Bronzes
We currently have some extremely rare G. Harvey bronzes for sale that are brand new. Please click on the following titles to view:
Barely There,
Blowin' In,
Button with Reigns,
The Calvaryman,
Celebration of the Horse,
Chasing the Wind,
Come On Grandpa,
Confederate Charge,
Courtin' Days,
The Cowpuncher,
Double Trouble,
The Drover,
El Patron,
Green Broke,
The Homecoming,
Journey's End,
Little Drummer Boy,
Mighty Blessed,
The New Filly,
Outfitters' Payday,
Proud and Protected,
Pullin' Leather,
Siesta Burro,
Special Times,
The Spirit of Texas,
The Spirit of the West,
Spittin' Image,
Sunnin' His Side,
Taking Stock,
A Texas Breed,
Texas Bronc,
Texas Hide & Horn,
Texas Legend,
Texas Pride,
Texas Ranger,
Thoughts of Home,
Two Too Many,
Working As One, and
The Wrangler.
Call us toll-free at 1-877-843-9278 for sizes and pricing. We guarantee the lowest prices on the Web!
We can also assist you in exclusively selling your G. Harvey bronzes. First, we can appraise your bronze(s). Second, we agree on a price so we can market them to our clientele. | 

G. Harvey Appraisals
We offer detailed, affordable typewritten appraisals for your G. Harvey artwork and provide current market values which can be used for insurance purposes. Payment can be made via PayPal, and a full-color pdf file of each signed appraisal can be e-mailed to you and then printed out. Please note: Artwork appraises much higher than the prices listed on our website. Market values are going up! Please call 1-877-843-9278 for special quantity discounts! |

G. Harvey Limited Editions
G. Harvey's last limited edition releases in reverse order are Neighborly Visit, History in the Making, Breaking of Spring, High Mountain Mercantile, Where Dreams Come True, Land of the Tetons, Shopping for Flowers, Cowhands and Trolleys, Rigged and Ready, Texas Heritage, Cowhands in Town, Making New Tracks, Gol-durn Trouble, Showers Along the Trolley Line, Soft Canyon Light, Bedrolls and Dreams, Music of Manhattan, Cowhands of the West, Bunkhouse Lights, Drifting Through the Oil Patch, and A Changing Era.
Call us toll-free at 1-877-843-9278 to purchase. We guarantee the lowest prices on the Web!
We now have Test of Champions, Boomtown Drifters, Changing of the Rangeland, The American Dream, Flower Market, Flower Shop, Lone Star State, Of One Spirit
, Independent Oilmen, An Evening with the President, Texas Cowboys, Oil Patch, Leaving the Oil Patch, Ranching Pump Jack Style,
Streetcars Along the Avenue, Texas - From Hide and Horn, Texas Independence, Twentieth Century Ranching, When Cowboys Don't Change, When Leases Change and just about every G. Harvey print ever made at prices well below the market! All of our prints are mint in their original folio and have never been framed. Please call us for great pricing and availability of other titles that are not listed or priced on our website. Call us and give us a chance.
We do not want to be undersold.

G. Harvey Limited Edition Paper and Canvas Art Print Titles
You can view a complete listing of G. Harvey's limited edition art prints and canvases for sale along with images, dimensions, edition sizes, print descriptions, and much more by visiting his personal art page at Christ-Centered Art Gallery.
If we don't have a print pictured and priced, please fill out our free Price Quote Form or call us toll-free at 1-877-843-9278
to receive the absolute lowest prices for G. Harvey artwork.
You can also view a complete list of Gerald Harvey Jones' limited edition art print titles including paper and canvas
lithographs, paper and canvas serigraphs, paper and canvas giclées, posters (P), and books below which are conveniently alphabetized from left to right: |
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue |
A Breakfast Out |
A Child's Hero |
A Child's Joy |
A Changing Era |
A Day at the Library |
A Different Kind of Lease |
A Genteel Nation |
A Gift of Flowers |
A Joy for Children |
A Nation Blessed |
A Nation's Dream |
A New Lease |
A Stroll on the Plaza |
A Time of Faith and Family |
A Time of Grace |
A Touch of Spring |
Across Quiet Waters |
Along Park Avenue |
Along the Canyon Wall |
America's Memories |
American Dream, The |
American Homecoming (P) |
American West, The |
An Evening with Mozart |
An Evening with the President |
Autumn |
Avenue of the Americas |
Avenue of the Americas (P) |
Avenues of Light (set of 3) |
Bedrolls and Dreams |
Beside Still Waters |
Biscuits for Breakfast |
Blessing, The |
Blessings by the Bucket |
Bond of Faith, The |
Book - City Series |
Book - Golden Era, The |
Book - Western Series |
Boomtown Drifters |
Boot Top Crossing |
Boot-Top Deep |
Border Patrol |
Boss' New Rig |
Boston Flower Seller |
Breaking of Spring |
Broadway Trolley, The |
Building Memories |
Bull Run |
Bundled, Blessed, & Headin' West |
Bunkhouse Lights |
Cabbies at the Market |
Cabbies on Fifth Avenue |
Cable Cars on Powell Street |
California Cable Cars |
Camp in the Tetons |
Canyon of Dreams - Wall Street |
Canyon Trails |
Captains of Commerce |
Carefree Cowhands |
Carriages on Canal Street |
Cathedral of St. Basil |
Changing of the Rangeland |
Chapel in the Tetons |
Charity: The Gift of Love |
Chestnut Vendor, The |
Childhood Memories |
Children - A Family's Treasure |
Children in the City |
Chores |
Christmas in the Village |
Cimarron |
City by the Bay |
City Crowds |
City Showers |
Coachman and the Lads |
Coming Home, The |
Conquistadors (P) |
Contending with Nature (P) |
Corner Flower Shop |
Corridor of Time |
Country Memories |
Country Post Office |
Courtin' Days |
Cowboy Coffee |
Cowboy Country Club |
Cowboy Courtin' |
Cowboy Gathering |
Cowboys' Christmas Ball, The |
Cowboy's Payday |
Cowhands & Trolleys |
Cowhands in Town |
Cowhands of the West |
Cowhands on Congress |
Cowhands on the Avenue |
Cowtown 1880 |
Cowtown Drifter |
Crossing the Breaks |
Crossing the Canyon |
Daddy's Priorities |
Dallas 1908 |
Dallas - The Early Years |
Dallas Remembered |
Decisions at Dawn |
Discussing His Fare |
Double Dips |
Dreams of a Nation |
Drifting Cowhand, The |
Drifting Through the Oil Patch |
Early Boston Market |
Early Downtown Houston |
Early Riders |
Early Run, The |
Early Spring Crossing |
Evening Along the Avenue |
Evening Memories |
Evening on Broadway |
Evening on the Boulevard |
Exhibition Day - Chicago |
Family Christmas |
Fifth Avenue |
Fifth Avenue Vendor |
Figuring His Tally |
Flower Cart, The |
Flower Market |
Flower Shop |
Flower Vendor - Boston |
Flowers for a Lady |
Flowers for the Lady |
Flowers of Ixtapan |
Forty-Niners, The |
Fresh Flowers |
Fresh Snow, First Light |
Fresh Snow in the City |
Gift of Rain |
God Bless America (P) |
God Shed His Grace on Thee |
God's Gift to the Cowboy |
Gol-durn Trouble |
Good Lord Willin' & the Creek Don't Rise |
Good Wage Wranglers |
Gotta Get Better |
Grampa's Neighbors |
Grand Opening |
Gray Ghost of the Confederacy, The |
Hansom Cab |
Harbor Fog |
Harbor Mist |
Hard Tack & Mail |
Hay Wagon, The (P) |
Heavens Declare, The |
Heralding the Hope |
High Mountain Mercantile |
Hill Country Spring |
History in the Making |
Holiday Flower Shop |
Hope of the Confederacy |
Horse Trader, The |
Horse Trolley on Park Row |
Horses for the Confederacy |
Immigrants in a New Land |
In God We Trust |
In My Father's Presence |
In the Land of Alpine Lakes & Pines |
In the Land of the Rockies |
In the Land of the Tetons |
In the Land of the Walking Rain |
In Thee, I Take Refuge |
In Times of Peace (P) |
Inauguration Eve |
Independent Oilmen |
Independent Texans |
Ixtapan Village |
Jackson's Winter Campaign |
Jeb Stuart's Return |
Jingle Bells and Powder Snow |
Katy Depot, The |
Lady's Choice |
Lamp Beside the Golden Door, The |
Land of the Blackfeet |
Land of the Tetons |
Leavin' the Line Shack |
Leaving the High Country |
Leaving the Oil Patch |
Lee and Longstreet |
Light Rain on Red Square |
Light that Blesses, The |
Light Unto the World |
Lights Along the Avenue |
Lights of a New Era |
Lights of Broadway, The |
Lights of San Francisco |
Lil' Sis and The Birthday Party |
Line Camp Buddies |
Line Camp Outfitters |
Line Shack Cowhands |
Lone Star State |
Making New Tracks |
Man Among Nature |
Market Café |
Market Street Trolleys - S.F. |
Me, Grandpa, and Little Sis |
Memories of Home |
Men of the American West |
Men of the Great Northwest |
Mission San Jose |
Moment of Glory |
Morning Market |
Mountain Mist |
Music of Manhattan |
Nation's Heritage |
Neighborly Visit |
New England Harbor |
New Filly, The |
New Orleans, 1912 |
New Stallion, The |
New York, New York |
Newbury Street - Boston |
October Showers |
Of One Spirit |
Oil Field Cowhand |
Oil Patch |
Oil Patch Cowhands |
Old Boston |
Old Dallas - Main Street |
Old Home Place, The |
Old London |
Old Westminster Flower Shop |
On the Streets of New Orleans |
Only Working Horseback |
Outfitter's Payday |
Packin' Alone |
Park Street Church - Boston |
Peaceful Encampment |
Peachtree Street - Atlanta |
Pennsylvania Avenue |
Picket's Report |
Pigeon's Corner - NYC |
Pike Place - Public Market |
Pike's Peak Trolley |
Pillars of Strength |
Pinnacle of Freedom |
Plaza - New York, The |
Poker Pals |
Portly Porter, The |
Quincy Market |
Ranching - Pump Jack Style |
Ranger Outpost |
Rawhide & Thunder |
Reflecting His Majesty |
Reflections of Old New York |
Reflections of Yesterday |
Remembering the Good Times |
Riding the Salt River Canyon |
Riding with Grampa |
Rigged and Ready |
Roughneck Country |
Royal Street |
San Franciso - Market Street |
Santa Fe - The End of the Trail |
Santa Fe Plaza |
Saturday Night Contract |
Saturday Night Poker Palace |
Season of Hope and Joy |
Senator, The |
Shoppers and Trolleys |
Shopping for Flowers |
Showers Along the Trolley Line |
Siege of the South |
Silent Hunter, The |
Slip of Dawn, The |
Smithsonian Dream, The |
Snowy Crossing |
Snowy Tracks |
Soft Canyon Light |
Spooked |
Spring Flowers |
Spring in the Canyon |
Spring in the Rockies |
Spring in the Tetons |
Spring Palette |
Spring River Crossing |
Spring View |
Springtime in Central Park |
Springtime in Europe (set of 3) |
Springtime in New York |
Springtime in Washington |
Street Vendor, The |
Streetcars Along the Avenue |
Sunday Showers |
Supplies for the Mission |
Sweet Land of Liberty |
Sweet Memories |
Takin' a Soakin' |
Takin' Texas North |
Teatime on Newbury Street |
Test of Champions |
Teton Valley |
Texas Cowboys |
Texas - From Hide and Horn |
Texas Heritage |
Texas Independence |
Texas Rancher |
Theater Crowd, The |
Thinking of Spring |
Thoughts of Home |
Three Hands and a Hound |
Ties of Home, The |
Ties that Bind, The |
Time for Tea |
Time of Hope |
Times Remembered |
Too Wet to Plow |
Toy Shop, The |
Trading at the General Store |
Trailhands & Trolleys |
Trailing the Canyon Light |
Trolleys on Broadway |
Turning the Lead |
Twentieth Century Ranching |
Twilight in the City |
Unto the Lease of These |
Vendors and Trolleys |
Vendors of Dreams |
Vendors on Fifth Avenue |
Vendors on the Avenue |
Village Carolers |
Wall Street 1908 |
Wall Street - New York |
Warmth of Friendship, The |
We the People |
When Bankers Wore Boots |
When Cowboys Don't Change |
When Leases Change |
When Lightning Rules the Sky |
When Snow Melts into Music |
When the Lonesomes Set In |
When Times Were Gentle |
Where Cowhands Don't Change |
Where Dreams Come True |
Where Eagles Soar |
Whosoever Believeth |
Wind River Range |
Winter Evening in Old Boston |
Winter Flurries |
Winter's Eve |
Winter's Glow (P) |
Wishes and Dreams |
With Bedroll and Beans |
With No Intention of Changing |
Yellow Awning, The |
Yosemite's Sentinel |
| | 

G. Harvey Biography
G. Harvey paints the spirit of America from its western hills and prairies to the commerce of its great cities. He is well-known for his Civil War and Focus on the Family images. His original paintings and bronze sculptures are in the collections of major corporations, prestigious museums, the United States government, American presidents, governors, foreign leader and captains of industry. For more information about G. Harvey, please visit his biography page. | 

All art print scans depicting paintings by G. Harvey are prohibited from being copied.
All applicable copyright© laws apply and are reserved by artist G. Harvey.
Web pages copyright© 1998-2025 by Christ-Centered Art. All Rights Reserved. |